手足球聯盟 2011Q4 - 中區聯賽官網 Taichung League


請參考賽事規定. 並開始組隊報名, 至少3人一組報名, 最多6人一組.

隊長負責蒐集全隊中英文完整性名, 電話, Email, 報名費 (每名300元)

Join the Taichung Foosball League! Each team needs 3 - 6 players. The whole season will be 1 month. Each team plays a maximum 1 match per week (between Fri - Sun, depends on each team's availability).

有任何問題請聯絡主辦單位 Please contact us: hightimesports@gmail.com 電話Phone: 0972-693856

比賽地點 Locations: 德萊寶鮮啤餐廳, Refuge避難所